
rubba dub dub


where is that tub?  super cool, ready made, super cool.

until next time....



mindless monday: umbrellas

i am not exactly sure, but i think it has been raining for a week straight now.  not all day, every day.  but i can't remember when we saw the sun last.
umbrellas have become our best friends this past week....



i would, however, prefer one of these umbrellas ....


until next time....



a win-win-win

how great are these?  combines my serious commitment (aka obsession) to keep my kids safe and my love of animals.
it's a win-win-win in my book: awesome colors.  awesome fun.  awesome protection.

until next time....


art: think outside of the frame




go for it.  dare to ditch the frame.  these are all fab DIY projects.  just click the pic and get carried away with inspiration.

until next time....



my new love

love. at. first. smell.   

google it.  find it.  hunt it down.  that is unless you don't want a new addiction, because i am hooked for life.  

until next time....



mindless monday: hiatus

hiatus |hīˈātəs|noun ( pl. -tuses ) [usu. in sing. ]a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process
i took a bit of a hiatus last week.  the mister and i decided to take some time to DILLYdally ... just us ... sans kids.  we celebrated our tenth anniversary this past week and after dropping our beauties off with those that were going to love, feed and water them while we were away, we took a week long vacation up to northern minnesota.  aka the "north shore".  
and if there were ever a small town that would make me want to stick a for sale sign in the front yard, pack it up and move to a seemingly more simple life, it would be grand marais, mn.  loved it there and hope to hold on to the peace and tranquility that this picturesque town seems to give to its weary travelers ... especially on the days when peace and tranquility can be a wee bit hard to come by being home with kids.
here are a few pics for you to enjoy and hopefully inspire you to take a hiatus of your own.  a huge thank you to nana, papa, gp, grandma, and grandpa for keeping the littles safe and sound.... so that their parents could be gone with peace of mind.  


until next time....